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Default 09-12-2006, 08:00 PM

Woke up to a news report of a plane crashing into one of the towers. As i was pondering how...i saw the 2nd plane come into view. It was at that moment that i knew i was going to witness 200 people on an aircraft get killed. I was pumping my fists and cursing at the TV when it hit the 2nd tower. I felt like complete shit after that and was running out of the house to go to the city to help but.....i knew it was fruitless, so i went back in the house and watched the horror unfold.
I called my cousin (NYFD midtown manhattan) who was just about to leave the house to go into the city. He made it in after the 2nd tower collapsed. He lost 9 guys in his firehouse that day and i lost a neighbor.

Did i watch the 5th anniversary?...fuck no, it's still fresh in my memory.

A few months ago however, i made a special trip to visit a special someone who lost their life that day. I owed it to 'em.

The world is my urinal