Originally Posted by Machette
Did you understand 2001? Most people who find it boring have no idea what the movie is about. Also their is more to blade runner than a cliche criminal hunting flick, re-watch it.
I love film snobs who are all "ohh, you didnt like it because you didnt understand it"
No, I get it. Robot snaps and kills people, robot gets shut down. Pointless monoliths and monkeys. Then Dave evolves or some shit.
Its the brokeback mountain of science fiction. Lots of pointlessly long scenes of scenery, no plot or characterization. Extremely overrated.
Ive seen movies that did the whole "AHHH OUR PERFECT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM HAS A FLAW AND HAS BROKEN DOWN AND NOW OUR OWN CREATIONS ARE GOING TO KILL US!!!!" done much better many times over. I, Robot; Battlestar Galactica, Terminator, etc.