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General of the Army
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Default 09-14-2006, 12:19 AM

What happens when there are 5 times as many guns in houses, and burgulars who target houses where people aren't home steal their guns? Then there are more criminals on the loose with guns.

Its not as onesided as you seem to think it is, Solidus....theres definitely no need to call someone a "fucking dolt," just because they're one of the many people that disagree with you.

Using this incident as more reason for concealed weapons is ridiculous....Its clearly a one-off school shooting for Canada - THAT is why I was suprised to hear about it....and I realise people are retarded, that's why I think its stupid to put more guns out there available for these retarded people to get their hands on.

...and I've said this before and I'll say it again - There is no comparison to a gun. No power tool, no sword, no car, no breadknife is comparable to an object where you can stand a hundred feet away and simply squeeze your finger to kill someone. Its pretty damn easy to kill someone with a gun. Easier than anything.

More guns out there, and conceal carry laws, will give more chance of people making horrible mistakes at the cost of lives.

Your friend approaches you and jokingly suprises you from behind, you pull your gun out in instinct and pop him twice in the sternum.

...and don't say in a situation like that, whether its a real danger or not, that you're definitely gonna have the chance to evaluate the situation before you, pull out your gun, take it off safety, and pop the guy. Chances are he'll come up and smack you on the head with a pole in suprise. If he thinks theres any chance your carrying (under a conceal-carry law, then everyone would be suspect to a mugger) then he's DEFINITELY gonna suprise you.

You shouldnt need to carry a gun around with you everywhere just because theres a CHANCE you might get attacked in the street - Unless you live in some fucking ghetto where there is a huge chance you'll get fucked on your way home.
We don't walk around with crash helmets on just in case a car jumps a curb and knocks us down - Which is alot more likely than getting savagely beaten, without being suprised in the first place.

IMO, The paranoia you demonstrate is reason enough to NOT give you a conceal carry option.
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