09-15-2006, 08:18 AM
Don't worry, they have scapegoats and feel-good solutions well planned and when we're all disarmed, it'll be UK/Australia all over again. Then, when shit keeps happening, we'll try banning a few extra things like "evil knives" and once people realize these kinds of things don't stop, we'll be too far gone to roll back. You just don't fuckin' get it...
I'm not extreme, and I'm not asking for everyone to have CCW: I'm just saying that we should have the freedom to choose this method of self-defense because it's worked extremely well elsewhere, so why not here ? People need to get familiar with firearms because they don't have a mind of their own, nor do they just go off at random for no fucking reason: they're just engineered metal designed to propel smaller pieces of metal... your demonizations just slow our progress down.
When they ban everything from law-abiding citizens and we're still at the mercy of events like this, don't say I didn't tell you so. We've tried one side of the gun control coin; isn't it time we try the other?