Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Don't worry, they have scapegoats and feel-good solutions well planned and when we're all disarmed, it'll be UK/Australia all over again.
I think I missed something....What's wrong with UK/Australia? Their crime-rate isn't particularly bad.
Look for a reference called "Gun Facts": it's a collection of statistics and figures for various countries and US states. Unanimously, states and countries with less gun control have reduced crime rates while places like the UK and Australia have suffered from increased crime rates (especially violent crime) since introducing restrictive legislation or just banning firearms outright... it's all over the board.
Firearms ownership is a powerful deterrent against home invasions, home burglaries, assaults, rape, et cetera. Problem is, politicians and anti-gun lobbies want you thinking otherwise.
Those statistics could be attributed to anything...As an example, a rise in immigration from poorer countries could increase the crime rate...Seems more like a coincidence that pro-gun groups have latched onto, in order to make their point.
Personally, I don't have a problem with gun laws, nor a little less gun control, but when it comes to your calls for concealed-weapon allowances, its about as ridiculous as your black and white opinion on the whole issue.
I think you see yourself as a good example of someone who could handle themselves under new gun laws, but believe me, not everyone else out there is as capable of controlling their own emotions. People go postal, people sometimes can't control their emotions, and people OFTEN make mistakes....Having more guns out there, readily available make it easy to excacerbate situations like these.
Your ideas for this totally relaxed uncontrolled gun society aren't functional because of the downfalls in natural human nature.