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Default 09-15-2006, 06:50 PM

No, the situation doesn't have to be as you describe regarding looser laws and concealed carry. I posted the following on canadiangunnutz, I hope you'll enjoy it:


The difference between police/guards and citizens regarding firearms is that the former have to undergo psychological evaluations (in college and during the recruitment process in the case of police) prior to being given their duty weapon... citizens take a two-day class.

I was never comfortable with the process of obtaining firearms because specific knowledge and physical safety aside, no personal character and psychological evaluations are done to ensure that BillyBob in front of you is actually of sane disposition or has the cognitive ability to understand the totality of his actions.

I can't see flames coming my way for this, but I'll wear the fireproof suit anyway.


I don't expect the public to support it unless our government eases them into it: I would hope that given our stricter application process, they would allow currently prohibited firearms and devices along with possibly offering the option of concealed carry.

Make no mistake: I'm all for simple and logical firearm laws... but for qualified people. As it stands, almost anyone can acquire the license and it's bad news because many shouldn't: an acquaintance of mine could easily pass the exams and trust me, he's the last person you want manipulating a firearm (and not necessarily because of unsafe practices).

I hope you understand what I'm trying to convey.
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