Originally Posted by strvs
Originally Posted by Eames
the fact of the matter is, almost none of the gun crimes are commited by law abiding citizens who legally purchased their fire arms for their own use. the vast majority of gun crimes here in the states are commited by criminals using stolen or black market weapons. by taking away law abiding american citizens right to own weapons you are doing nothing but empowering the criminals. an old saying says it best, "guns don't kill people....dangerous minorities do".
ok cletus
Yeah lol....
Where do you think they steal half of the guns from anyways? I don't think anyones saying you shouldn't be allowed to arm yourself....I think most people are saying the laws are currently fine the way they are and you shouldnt need to encourage more people to own guns to make a point.
I'd agree with that, because if everyone has a gun in their home, think about how easy it would be for bad people to get their hands on one....They wouldn't need black market connections, they'd just need to monitor a family home for a day or so, and go rob them when they're out.