09-09-2002, 04:19 PM
I think it's partly because many of us have been playing multiplayer first person shooters for years that new ones are so easy to pick up and be good at (that was not at all meant to brag, just saying that the games are similar in many respects).
I'd say some of the more common and useful keyboard control setups are the WASD or the ESDF variety (that is, W to go forward, S to go backwards, and A and D to strafe left and right respectfully. ESDF is really the same thing but places your left hand on the home keys, which is great if you are a person who types correctly). Then you use the mouse to aim and fire. Other keys vary by user, some people prefer space or right mouse for jump or use/open/whatever. Basically, whatever is most confortable for you and requires the least hand movement is going to work the best.
Good luck! biggrin: