09-09-2002, 04:19 PM
I'm not putting the gun directly on top of the cliff, I'm putting it a bit further back of where the main peice of the bunker complex is, so it'll be a good walk to that place. cool:
I suppose the objective won't be that easy, sense you gotta climb up a cliff which can obviously be camped by the axis. You could be climbing up and get shot down, or you could get to the top and get mowed. So the only way I think the allies can have a chance is if they lob grenades over the cliff if that's possible or they can overrun the axis position in shear numbers. Sounds pretty hard, that might take some more thinking.
Yeah, that's where I went to make a tree, when I get the commontree, it has snow all over it, I'll just make some and see if they look right after compile.
I mean are you skinning as of right now? I have this skin with your name on it. You look like a marine. It's not important, I'm just wondering.
I pressed the Print Screen button, but I have no idea where to find the screenshot, does it give you a message when you take a shot? eek:
Where do I type utility? eek:
Superkat, should I just give you the .map and let you check out some stuff?
Sounds good, Oddball.
Do you mean the rock that is almost separate with the land? If you do, I see no hole and you should put one there (realistic). If you're talking about any other place, I don't see a hole.
Yeah, your map looks pretty damn big. Cut out the least crucial parts and fog that baby up. Might want to make the water longer, or else it looks too ugly. But the rest of the map is beautiful! biggrin:
I just noticed today, I'VE BEEN PROMOTED biggrin: ! Finally! 30 forums gets you to a corporal... When was I private first class mad: ??
Does everybody here go to school? I'm in high school... M16:
Keep up the good work!