09-09-2002, 05:05 PM
Ha, this method is veeerrrry painful, from what i learned:
Take a glass rod and insert it into his penis hole. I'd make him run a couple laps around a prison with gay men chasing him, WAIT, Germ chasing him. When he gets alittle to uncarefull, BOOM, the rod breaks and glass shards are in his penis. Whenever he goes to the bathroom, the pain of the glass would almost be unbearable.
Here's another one:
After the penis glass of course, lye him down on a bed of rusty nails (only 50 or so, not 2304859 nails) and then put bamboo under him. As it grows slowly, it would penetrate his body and he'd die there. I think i'd be happy with that! biggrin:
damn bastard bigzooka: mad: