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Default 09-25-2006, 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Maybe you should leave Pyro the fuck alone about his friend, okay?

Shawn, my condolences.
Why? So he gets the treatment he "deserves" ?

Shawn is a right prick to everyone else around here, so he can suck on my huge penis. I don't give a fuck about his friend. I don't know her. If I did, I'd care. But I don't. The fact that he flamed me, and then expected me to back off just because his friend died is fucking retarded.

I won't be going online for a few days if one of my friends passes....I certainly won't be flaming anybody and in the same swift manouever, telling them not to flame me. This is the fucking INTERNET. It doesn't work like that.

Coma, maybe you should stop eating. You fat fucking mysterious endless roll of blubber. Why are you even typing? You're fat. Fat can't talk. Fat is fat. Fucking fatty.
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