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allergic reaction to what?
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Default allergic reaction to what? - 09-26-2006, 11:29 PM

i dont know. ive been having one all fucking day long. itching and itching, without reason. there arent any patches, hives, bumps, any shit on my skin. ive been running around all day itching like a crackhead. GOD DAMN IT.

benadryl (sp i dunno) clears it up but pretty much keeps me well fucked up. btw if you didnt know benydril will cause visual hallucinations at large doses.

"Those who use diphenhydramine recreationally take a higher than recommended dose for its deliriant effects. The mental effects are described by many as "dreaming while awake" involving visual and auditory hallucinations which, unlike those experienced with most psychedelic drugs, often cannot be readily distinguished from reality".

i hope some of you try it and die from overdosing.
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