09-29-2006, 10:45 PM
fuck it, guess this is me getting sore on a subject. but like you said if I dont want to read what dumb shit miscreants write I don't have to so peace the fuck out. anyone who is worth a shit to talk to I can speak with outside of this place. Enjoy your laughs about how I take it "to serious" and "its just the internet" But thats what most of those sick fucks say when Chris Hansen comes rolling out because they wanted to feel up some 13 yr old. enjoy your sick fucking thoughts and nonchalant attitude about it. I'm not puttin up with it.
Anyone using my daughters pic as a sig Id ask you to respectfully remove it, though I realize some bozo dipshits will think its funny and make stupid shit sigs and pics about it but I don't really give two shits about those folks right now. Its been a fun 3 or 4 years but I'm done. This is where I draw the line.
Later dudes.