Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003

09-30-2006, 12:03 AM
[quote:1cce9]Judas, you're way off base on this one. You wanna make fun of Nyck, knock yourself out. Wanna knock on his wife...well, thats hitting below the belt. Mention his daughter and sex in the same sentence, thats totally fucked up.[/quote:1cce9]
Originally Posted by Crybaby
You wanna dish on people you better toughen that skin up and come with something beyond your usual fried chicken and fat jokes
Good fuckn riddance.
Let him go fap off to the latest happenings of Britney and Paris, make 33 threads a day about how he could care less about these whores and dumb celebs, and then get bent twisted out of shape because he gets "picked on".
Fucking pussy.
And appearantly racial jokes are fine - but mention Nycks lil bundle of joy. . .oh no - below the belts. . .