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Default 10-02-2006, 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by Jotun
i grew up in the north, but im going to college in the south (Harrisonburg, VA). i've noticed a lot of people (but definitely not all, this isnt a generalization) are very intolerant of cultural and religious differences. i know some kids here who are somewhat racist. some people here still think the south will rise again...people can just be so intolerable of other people's culture or really bothers me that people can go that far. im all for peace and unity, but some people just cant see past that.
yep, there's a lot of racists even at PSU. Not to be a prick in generalizing and stuff, but it seems most of the racists are from the upper-class farming community that have never even talked to a person of another ethnicity. It really did bug me, and still does to a point.

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