Re: Nerds are taking over -
10-03-2006, 02:26 PM
So after class this morning I go to the lounge area cause i'm beat from last night - so I try to take a nap before my next class, which I had in 2 hrs. Well, while doozing off, I hear this bickering by a group of 10 people, arguing about something.
Well i couldn't take it anymore and stand up and as i'm about to walk to them to tell them to quiet down, the whole argument finaly gets to my head and is comprehended.
THEY WERE ARGUING ABOUT THE POWER RANGERS, and saying that green ranger was irish, and something about never having a spanish ranger. And that when showed in japan, is heavily edited - idk
So I try to lay down again and just laugh to myself about how gay they are. And than I fell asleep - to be awaken an hr later by the same group of nerds[/quote:6bed9]
Wait, so lets get this straight....
You decided to go to sleep in a random lounge that you don't own, with other strangers around, and you get angry when they're too noisy and you can't sleep?
I know a guy just like you. He's homeless. He yells at people downtown who talk to loudly for him, and jabbers on about it being bedtime, then he laughs maniacally and eats cigarette butts.