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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 10-05-2006, 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by Judas
the shitting scene made me lmao. the rest i really didnt get since i dont play wow.
I don't play WoW either, but I play CSS in a clan (i.e. like once a week lol) and a few of the other members play WoW religiously. I understood everything in that episode, and it really does capture the hardcore WoW gamer. Hell, just do a simple search for WoW news articles and you'll find countless stories of people not going to work, school, etc just to play this stupid fucking game.

I ROFL'd when they all get fat as fuck and get pimples/legions all over their bodies, and the way they all slouch in their seats; that's definitely true.

One time a few of the normal ones in the clan went and crashed another TS server that had a bunch of WoW players in the middle of a battle. The terminology they were using didn't even sound lie English, and all of their voices were something out of Revenge of the Nerds.

Stereotypes are typically earned. This one certainly is.
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