Thread: hi.
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Default hi. - 10-05-2006, 11:42 PM

i seriously doubt there are too many of you who can relate or offer any comments worth my attention, but ill give it a shot anyway.

theres a person i use to fuck with post-high school. very cute, smart, makes me laugh/smile, can talk to very easily, have super fun being around, really enjoy being around, want their company, very witty and quick to make the joke(which most times has me lol'ing), dry sarcasm like my own,etc. just seeing her makes me smile.

now that i have written that out its almost too good to be true?

the thing is theres no sexual attraction there, none what so ever. i dont know what to make of this, seriously. shouldnt there be? what does this say about me? i know its not becasue she isnt appealling, since ive already said above that she is.

i saw her today and it was the same as it was 10 years ago. i loved the company, we had a shit load of laughs together (which in itself is rare, since people typically dont laugh at what i find funny. that should already be clear already about me i think), all the above mentioned things about her were still true.

I check out her tits and ass while im around her, but the desire just isnt there.

what the hell?
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