10-06-2006, 07:28 PM
Mythbusters found that firing a pistol or rifle into the air did not produce leathal results; UNLESS, it was fired at an angle. Simply put firing a round dead vertical, the round goes up, is shifted by winds, but basically falls back down nearly vertical at its terminal velocity. Which isnt enough to kill.
How ever fired at an angle into the air, the bullet follows its natural ballistics trajectory and can do damage when up to its "maximum effective range" milla will know that term as well. Basically the range at which the round has lost so much speed its useless.
Also, terminal velocity is determined by, weight (mass), drag, and air density.
Basically [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/6/e/3/6e306f943fc864e7ee41a1b3a7f16172.png[/img]