09-10-2002, 05:45 AM
Hi MPowell44!
You wrote in the readme:
BrushCount : 3,975
EntityCount - 338
VisDataSize : 2,067,976
BSP Compile Time : 149 Seconds
VIS Compile Time : 608 Seconds
Light Compile Time : 5,687 Seconds
Looks like everything was compiled with FAST compile settings (maybe even the light)! So don´t be surprised about higher fps!
Anyway fps isn´t exactly the same as polycounts. As I´ve personally mailed you around 2 weeks ago: often you´ve used the wrong caulk texture and more important you´ve many large walls and brush sides textured that aren´t visible to a player. Even caulk the nonvisible sides of a door post, window frame, stairs ...
I checked your map in spec mode for a long time and saw some overlapping brushes, too. When standing next to a wall I had 95 fps BUT 12.8 Mtex (high settings) because of drawn textures behind it.
I don´t know if the sounds make any problems, as you´ve used a different tech to include positional sounds. (for Ubersound issues please check: [url:404bc]http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=145004[/url:404bc])
Maybe the rotators? sorry no idea.
The map needs some rework on the technical side. It feels "heavy" when running around in it, so please reduce the polycount!
Anyway a very nice map with some refreshing ideas!! I hope ypu don´t read this posting as an offense!!!
Please make the planks destroyable because I found no safe way to the roof ;-) loool
PS: Have you changed the blocksize or disabled it at all?