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Default 10-12-2006, 10:24 AM

Saw an interesting theory online, that the Losties are the X-men:
[quote:605a5]Jack - Cyclops
Leader guy

Kate - Jean
Likes Jack, Likes Kate, kind of a leader

Sawyer - Wolvie
Nuff said

Locke - Professor X
Bald, Wheelchair, spouts off wisdom

Sayid - Colossus
Strong, intelligent, Ultimate Colossus was forced to be a soldier

Jin - Sunfire
Strong Oriental Character

Sun - Storm
Is good with Nature

Hurley - Longshot
Unbelievably Lucky/plus he favors Mojo

Libby - Polaris
Both Nutso

Anna Lucia - Marrow
Lead an army, both mean, kill people

Eko - Nightcrawler
Religion speaker

Charlie - IceMan
Young, care free acting at times

Claire - Rogue
Wont let Charlie near her

Michael - Bishop
Both obsessed with a mission

Henry Gale - Magneto
Bad Guy Leader

Tom (the other) - Mastermind
Changes disguises and misleading

Desmond - Gambit
Look similar, accents and the like.

Other thoughts are that Boone was Angel, and my own thought is that this new girl is Phoenix, because she's kind of a resurrected form of Jack's two failed loves. Also, works for the Magneto figure, and may yet kill the Cyclops figure (fingers crossed)
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