09-10-2002, 09:36 AM
I hate to say it, but its the truth. These children would ruin any thread in any forum. Just look at some of the BS that they have produced here. 9/11 Rememberance signatures defiled, the christian board "fagging".
There is no such thing as a serious disscusion with a lot of these people. There is nothing sacred from them, they dont care. I imagine this thread itself will be turned into a series of random post that have nothing to do with the base topic. No MOD could police this bunch, i mean look at Spooge, he himself helped ruin a post about the christian forum. I can see my ban/semi-inteligent written retort for even mentioning it.
Too some what some people do on this board is acceptable. Too others is assinine, 9 year old bullshit. The only reason i stay is to keep up to date with up coming games that are often mentioned, and seeing whats going on with Mohaa. I think the few things i like here out weight those i dislike and can avoid.
A good idea that will never work.