Originally Posted by nomar
Garasaki - I haven't seen you or the 9thGD boys around lately. Been playing?
I suspect you have me confused with someone else, but yes I have been playing lately. What servers do you usually play on??
DONT GET THE GF4 MX!! Its a terrible gaming card. That dude who recommended it has no idea what he's talking about (no offense intended, its just the truth). If you want a cheap card, get the Radeon 7000 or 7500. The Ti4200 cards are a a great value right now, and they outperform the Radeon 8500, but dont overlook the R8500 as you can get them for less then 90 bucks right now, which is a killer deal. However, they tend to cause headaches and not be quite as compatiable as the GF4 cards (although that happens to a vast MINORITY of people who buy them).
Also, on amounts of RAM necessary, on any system but XP, 256 megs should be the most you ever get. All windows operating systems (except xp) dont use more then that. XP on the other hand, can use an infinite amount of ram, and 256 is about the minimum you should have. 512 is a real good number because once you go past 512, you will hardly ever actually use the extra ram you have on. So i'd say don't buy more ram!