Thread: Work??
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Default 10-19-2006, 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by Bucknub
heh funny this thread comes up. I was watching a call in show on CP24 last night and a Computer Tech guy was on it answering phone calls and some lady calls in.

Man: Hi, yes what's your question?
Lady: Blah blah blah my Harddrive isnt working, making a noise when i turn it on, ect ect ect
Man: ok, now when you mean Harddrive, are you referring to the little small hardware in your computer, or the "BIG BOX"?
Woman: The big box


that guy was very smart to ask that question first. seems he has first hand experience with woman when it comes to that shit, ahah.

fuck, women are stupid
I used to work at an ISP's tech support 1½ years ago, and people used to call in about hardware failures aswell. We had no obligation to help them, but I used to help them out if I could. Thing is, it was a 50/50 Men/Women situation when it came to absolute stupidity with computer hardware. People above the age of 35 shouldnt be alowed to use computers at all. A good example would be this lady who called in:

Me: Yadaya, what can I help you with?
Lady: Hi, my internet isnt working.
Me: Ok, could you please be more specific?
Lady: Well, I click the internet button and nothing happens. I bought the Telia (name of the ISP) Internet 020 (modem internet), installed it and it still wont work. Could you help me?
Me: Well, what happens when you click....

Lots of searching for software issues. 10 minutes later:

Me: So, its safe to say that everything is properly installed. What kind of modem do you have?
Lady: Modem?
Me: Yeah, the piece of hardware you connect to the phonejack in the wall.
Lady: What does it look like?
Me: Well, theres two kinds, internal and external. Do you have a regular phonecord connected to your computer or to a little box, about the size of a pocketbook?
(You can hear the lady woman crawling around under a desk or similar, looking for the modem)
Lady: I cant find any phonecord connected to the harddrive (Yes, she called it harddrive).
Me: I think weve found the problem then. You need a modem to connect to internet.
Lady: Nobody told me that. Where can I get one.....

From there, I just tolod her how to get a modem and so on.

I hated that job. That job is the reason why I hate people.

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