10-24-2006, 03:53 PM
I don't see how im trying to become it though
In all essence I hate the state of black culture these days...which is why I abstain away from the gangs of black people, who would hate the fact a white person would even look at them...and yet we are the racist ones.
I just like the music, and find the slang interesting, yet idiotic if used excessivly in terms of making you seem disturptive to the english language you are in fact butchering.
I just need to adapt...I did this unconsciouslly...I like the fact idbe able to understand a conversation with a black person as I live around more black people than white people due to newhaven manors and middleton way (they also work to distract the cops away from my street).
Blacks and whites were equal majorities when I grew up and by highschool we became the minorites compared to the browns.
Honestly...if you want to see a race trying to steal black culture it is them...hell they even got to the point to where they believed because they werne't white...the word nigger was of use to them, and used it constaintly.
Ask toni...he lives on the street right beside middleton way...and im always on the street across from middleton way.
I don't know I guess you'd need to live outside pretty much an entirly white community (i know this is an exagerration) to know what I mean by my actual housing which i haven't moved from in my entire life.
I don't exactly care what people think about me in terms of how I go about things, but I hate being stereotyped as something im not...as im sure black people don't all wanna be stereotyped as women abusing gang bangers.