10-24-2006, 04:53 PM
you should know my ignorance by now, which was attributed to the cops part.
I honestly think i can walk anywhere I want freely and not be harmed...
Middleton way is the closest we got to crime around here...but they also know who lives around here...and they don't bother with them...myself included...I know most people on the street...they're mostly wannabe bloods and crips.
Cops do though pick on youth...always assume you're either drinking or smoking weed...
The fucking people need to stop fucking breaking into massey school...kids fucking go there...thats what pisses me off the most...why break into a shcool...
everytime ive been questioned by a cop has been to gain information about someone who broke into massey school...they don't like my advice though...as i basically tell them that if you want to find someone on foot...you have about 30 different ways to go from the back of massey.
I don't see where I comform to them...it's like saying im not allowed to like their music and im not allowed to say Yo.
worst thing is im actually insulted to be lumped in with it as im nothing like that.
I still would like you to meet the people that I believe you're getting at...the house i spoke about before on my buddys street....which i refer to as the cokehouse...they are what you're getting at.
I am not a wigger, and I pretty much am the typical middle class white person...but im very good at adapting to other people.
I don't like to use the american stereotype...but you know in movies and such when it comes to like hostel how the americans treated the locals in europe with their ignorance and believed that because they were american they'd ahve to adapt to the american way...to me it's a two way street...they deal with my culture...i deal with thiers...and we come to an adequate conclusion.
As much as you think people would dislike me...i'm pretty much liked by the people i meet.