09-10-2002, 04:32 PM
Thanks Rude , we needed that biggrin: Oh good , "nuther old guy" ... Welcome to the best moh forum going . As the Colonel said we can use some more "mature" people in moh and especially in the aa.com server. I don't get to play the MP as much as I'd like but that's probably "a good thing" because as you said it is addictive. I also play on Crowkings some and I jump in DOA's once in a while but I usually stick to aa.com because of the quality of the people who use it and the admins are great, Crowkings gets a little wild sometimes but DOA's is very similiar to aa.com. If you've been to some of the other servers you know what I mean.The Colonel and I would like to get a team together of players over 40 and maybe callenge some of the younger players on the forum but so far it's only me and him and maybe you . What do you think ? Don't worry about being good at the game , this is all for fun.Colonel is better at the game than I am, him and I were in the server the other day for a little while against 2 other guys (I assume they were young) and we didn't do too bad. Looking forward to playing with/against you in the server.