Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by geRV
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by "geRV":27a67
Free my ass, the game devs have the option of making people pay for online so its a certainty most of them will hop onto that bandwagon as they'll be making more money.
It is still wrong to compare it to how many people played PS2 online.
Why? because ms had a proper service in place and sony didn't? Boo hoo.
Yeah...and now Sony will have one too...
It's is like predicting Canada wil win a war vs the USA cuz we won in 1812.
Tell me this how longs ms been doing online stuff for games? How long has sony? MS have far more know how for online gaming.[/quote:27a67]
Which basically guarentees Sony will have no one playing online even though more people will own a PS3 than a 360?