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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 10-31-2006, 09:13 PM


I did go out tonight, still completley fucked! Anyhoo I met some super fine russian ibtch from Kiev. What made her even more hot is that she had a russian army hat on & badges with the communist slogan & also commie shyt written on her body with black marker. She had a veeeeeery sexy russian accent & I felt like james bond as I spent half the night with my tongue down her throat... I was dressed as a pirate & looked like a bit of a tit but I was very satisfied with my russian ho. We spent about an hour talking at the bar & I got her number then we danced. At the end of the night she had to go back to her student halls up the road so I thought I was in for a bit of fun rock:

UNfortunately she was absolutely & completely fucked off her tits, so much so that she actually took a piss right outside the Charles Dickens museum in my town, which may have been a commie slogan but I dunno...
Anyhoo this large blonde twat also decided to 'walk her home' so any indecent ideas I had soon faded kus he seemed to be doing the gentleman thing. This somewhat pissed me off kus I coulda been up for some fun tonight, I'd already got her number & been dancing with her & kissing her half the night so I was looking forward to any fun I could get, it wouldn't have been like I was taking advantage or anything kus she made it clear that she liked me when we were still sober, it would have been the next logical step. But this virgin twat did the decent thing & walked her 100 yards within her dorm door & let her stagger the rest. I'm still not sure whether her made it. But it makes me mad that he had to cock block at the last minute & seem like he was doing a good deed when I coulda been shagging her commie azz silly all night long cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss:

Now I gotta text her or ring her and start from the fkn beginning & it's gana be all awkward kus we won't know what to say & I may not even get laid, How selfish can some people be? Fuck sake! annoy:
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