Originally Posted by FlipSide
[quote:20754]Look man, I play the game almost everyday, I have been on the aa.com server, I play with the Waffen guys frequently.
I am here because i enjoy the community, it just seems this week some people just "feel" like being assholes.
You guys really know how to spend the day before Sept. 11th well.
Thats great. Did I affend you this week? Good, now you realize how you have been for the past few months. I think your so ingrained in your ways you dont stop to realize "Wow, that was dick of me". You might want to consider others and try to with hold from posting bull shit when its not needed.
This whole 9/11 ordeal sickens me. I realize that lots of people lost their lives that day, but what the fuck. Terrorism has been around for years, years and we are just now realizing we need to do something. People get into this patriotic theme for a few days/months and then forget about it. George Bush used 9/11 as a publicity stunt. His words "We will hunt Osama down, and kill him" is BS.[/quote:20754]
"Wow, that was dick of me" why dont you take your own advice and quite being a total jerk. And about a patriotic theme for a few days you obviously dont know me, as anyone im in a patriotic them 24/7.[/quote:20754]And I respect you, your willing to fight for this country which is awesome. What I dont respect is these people running around with red/white/blue cloths one day, then discracing this country another. When the shit hits the fan, Im dieing to see who really cares about amreica,