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Pale Rider is Offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Default SHUT UP AND PLAY! - 09-10-2002, 09:04 PM

I've been accused of cheating on multiplayer TDM for the last few nights I've been playing. If anyone I've palyed with or against is reading this I want to answer all the questions and accusations made torwards me on Sunday Sept 8. Before I start I also want to apologize for not answering them in game. I can't type very quickly and I would rather play.

1. No, I don't use an aimbot as far as I know no such thing exists.

2. No, I do not see opponents as "bright yellow" but I do see the muzzle flash of my opponents as "bright yellow" just like everyone else.

3. No, I can't see around corners but I always negotiate them as if there is someone there waiting for me.

4. No, I am not shooting a "modded up" gun. One shot from any weapon availible will kill you if it's placed correctly.

5. No, I can't see you when you're wearing your "invisible skin" but your gun held at chest height makes a nice target.

6. Yes, I do know where everyone is on the map. After you've played for a while you can get a pretty good bearing of enemy positions just by watching where you and your team mates respawn.

7. Yes, I will victimize anyone that has a slower machine or connection than mines. It's the way of the world.

8. Yes, I am a little "too accurate" because I practice.

9. Yes, I do speak English as evident by this post.

10. No, I do not smoke cocks!

I think people should just shut up and play and if you still can't beat me or someone else then just accept that there might just be someone out there that's better than you.
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