Thread: Ricky Williams
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Default 11-07-2006, 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by ninty
Originally Posted by Pyro

Canada would have more teams if the rest of the cities can become like Toronto...

Did you hear what Milt Stegal said about Toronto?

PS: were you at the game? Toronto has 4.5 million people and nobody there cares about football. To be cool in Toronto you have to like the NFL and hate the CFL, right? How often do you see someone in an argos jersey compared to a vick or other nfl jersey.

Toronto is 5 times bigger than Calgary yet we had a larger attendance at our playoff game. The stadium was sold out.

Vanier Cup (Canadian University Football Championship) is actually a pretty bnig deal here. I'm not comparing it to NCAA, but it's not like its a non factor either.
There's was a Raptors game at the same time...

Why would I go to an Argos game when i could watch it on I like the NFL better...better atmosphere around it aka more popular.

Not my fault Calgary can't afford to have a team in all te major sports...her eit is leafs nation...over everything...nothing even touches it...even with HUGE competition.

sorry i can't say the same for the flames...maybe only when they win people come out...which is how we treat the argos...

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