Originally Posted by Hawke
Originally Posted by Pyro
These people like college football cuz they can guarentee which colleges will have the best teams as it NEVER changes...so it's easy to pick a fav team cuz well they will always win regardless cuz thats where promising highschool football players get schlorships
Another person who should STFU about something they don't know. The reasons why we like college football has already been stated. On top of that, not everyone is a bandwagon faggot stupid: . As for a guarentee-win, thats never the case. Miami use to be a top football school. Now they are sitting at the bottom of their division. Rutgers is good this year. Boise State is undefeated. FSU, Oklahaoma ect ect
edit: fuck nygger
LOL gg fucking copy cat biggrin: