Originally Posted by Nyck
Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Dems took house, theyre about ready to fight the GOP on the front lawn for the Senate. Any takers on who's going to win?
I vote for Dems cause i want them to win. LOL at Santorum losing, hope he chokes on his own cock.
any early poll results is the governator gonne get relected?
yeah he destroyed his opponent. - polls show 61% Arnold to 30% Phil Angelides. I voted Arnold because i think he's trying and he is a reformist. my district hasnt come in yet, but i know Loretta Sanchez is gonna whip the shit out of Tan Nguyen in the 47th district. that guy is a douche, his election signs look like they were written by communists. "Go with Tan" wtf is that?