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Poseidon is Offline
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Default 11-08-2006, 03:59 AM

Originally Posted by Poseidon
Originally Posted by "TGB!":3e34d

This "Omg - what if so and so opens this shit at work" - crap is hilarious. . .

For those wanting the picture
Some of us actually value our jobs.
Then why are you browsing an internet forum rather than doing some work?[/quote:3e34d]

*sigh* Thats a fucking obvious question.

1) I posted this when I was at home.
2) I do visit the forum whilst at work - they dont mind too much as long as i'm not on it all day. If you had internet activity i'm sure you'll spend at least soemtime having a quick look at the web.
3) I dont think my manager looking at my history would appreciate clicking a link full of the shit TGB posted oOo:

But at the end of the day, its about people having genuine reasons as to why this kind of shit shouldnt be posted - especially without the relevant warnings and coming from a MOD!!