Thread: looololol
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Default looololol - 11-08-2006, 07:42 PM

i might be charged with a misdeamenorroror - - - - - Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor... hahahahahaha...!!~

those fuks!

im being accused of giving a family friend a ride to her bfs house and she snuck out to do so.. and apparently the bf and his friends were "wasted" (Mother's definition: "HIGH").. fucking ridiculous hassle. fukin psychotic strict ass.

lets get a lesson in misdeameanor as CDM

(4) under 18 years of age to be absent from the custody of a parent, guardian, or custodian without the permission of the parent, guardian, or custodian or without the knowledge of the parent, guardian, or custodian, unless the child's disabilities of minority have been removed for general purposes under AS 09.55.590 or the person has immunity under AS 47.10.350 or 47.10.398(a); it is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this paragraph that, at the time of the alleged offense, the defendant

(A) reasonably believed that the child was in danger of physical injury or in need of temporary shelter; and

(B) within 12 hours after taking the actions comprising the alleged offense, notified a peace officer, a law enforcement agency, or the Department of Health and Social Services of the name of the child and the child's location.

i guess thats what im being accused of..
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