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Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Default 11-08-2006, 11:02 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by RaNgeR
Yeah Nyck... the concerts around here keep getting better and better though; so I have to say its the best one each time. It was pretty funny..the crowd consisted of pretty much every label of person you can possibly imagine; tons of granolas showed up for this one ( I am living in Burlington so its understandable). Trip, Redman and Raekwon are coming Dec 3rd here and Swollen Members are here Nov 13th. Im SO excited for swollen members, I guess they have an insanely good live performance. Im not sure if I posted this a few weeks ago, but I also saw Deltron 3030, A Plus, and Bukue 1...Deltron was reeeally good live.
lol I hate swollen members....Deltron has been rapping since the late eighties, his style is totally refined, so his live shows will surely be good.
You're lucky that your concerts aren't full of total cunts like anything slightly gangsta or commercial down here is...Its terrible.
I like the bullshit of Del trying to act like he ghostwrote for cube's first albums.

Backpacker to a T...though he's decent but his albums as Deltron 3030 sucked ass.

Welcome to our areas...burlington, brampton, georgetown, and so on all usually listen to better shit than typical places in the states...easiest way to compare places cuz i hear most of the bullshit about what people like... (BAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLIN) from the states.

Brampton > Burlington.

don't see why you don't just travel to toronto for concerts it aint that far.

A+ - latch key child album owns.
Hey Pyro, where do you get your fucking crack from?

Who gives a fuck about random talk - It has no bearing on the overall quality of emcee....Del is one of the most interesting emcees out there and he's been doing it for a while. His deltron albums were okay, better than half of jay-z's catalogue.

Oh and, no-one even subscribes to the term backpacker, and you say it as if theres something wrong with it....Its a stupid term made up by the losing side of the argument. If you're not listening to backpacker rap, what are you listening too? Fucking gangster rap. Yeah. ME AND MY NIGGAS GON BUST YALL IN YO GRILL, TOTE GUNS, COME HERE BABYGIRL AND SUCK ON MA DICK, I GOT 2 ASSHOLES WHY DONT U FONDLE EM N SHIT YEH UH YEH I SNOWBOARDIN DOWN CRACK LIEK WHITEBOYZ N SHIT FEEL ME NIGGA WHAT YEH
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