Thread: Pondering.....
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Default 09-10-2002, 11:16 PM


Pyro your two post in this thread are fine, i dont mind the random statments as much as i do the random conversations that start out of threads.

If i started a thread intitled "Im going to kill myself", I would get within 5 replys someone going off on a tangent About how i shouldnt use an American made gun, cause it would probably not work. Country war insues. Then it would be turned over to the real bad people who would say. "Who gives a fuck". Then Tripper would mention something sexual along the lines of "i like to shovel bang dead corpes's". At that point the talk about me killing myself has ended and cant be restarted, no matter how many normal post are placed in it.

It just gets old. Having good topics get over run with useless post that spur more people to go off on that tangent.
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