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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 11-10-2006, 11:28 AM

Wow, I'm troubled by some of these responses. . .notch some more experience folks:

As only TWO people have already said, its more than likely NOT urine. . .its just vaginal lubrication. Some women produce enough to lube the vagina, others can produce an amount that can cause puddles. Youll have the same cleaning bill obviously, but your reaction should be a bit more reserved - in fact you should be thankful shes in such an aroused state that shes producing that level of vagilube (Patent Pending).

Shes obviously embarressed by it, when she has no reason to. Shit compliment her on it, as a way of reenforcing her buck-wildness, dont make her feel like she should be ASHAMED to reach that level of arousal.

I mean really, how many of you have actually gotten SO DRUNK that you lose control of your bowels. I may forget what happened the previous night, but at least Ill know I was still instinctively able to head to the can when I felt the need to.

Im more worried that she needs to get shitfaced to fuck, but thats a story for another day.
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