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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
Posts: 4,318
Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 11-10-2006, 01:13 PM

ROFL at TGB's post.

Dude, I know PLENTY of girls who have shit themselves and passed out in public restrooms because they got so drunk. I'm friends with a guy who works in a bar on the strip and he told me a disgusting story about this hot ass chick passed out on the toilet with her panties to her ankles and mounds of shit all over her arms, face, legs, etc... They had to go in there because it was past closing time and they were about to lock everything up. They had to actually drag her out of the stall to wake her up. My friend said he was gagging as he was dragging her around. She had to leave the bar and go home with shit all over her.

TGB, people at colleges get fucking hammered, and do piss/shit themselves. It most likely IS piss.
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