11-10-2006, 02:00 PM
Bro, SHE called YOU. That instantly puts the ball in your court. Just act like you're the fucking man with a 10 lb cack. Do you have any clues as to what her interests are? That's key to developing a good date if it's in an intimate environment. During dinner, don't stare at her too much, and don't look down at your food too much. Just kinda act like you're just having a meal with a friend. The best GF I ever had I truly thought of her as one of my closest friends, and as such it was so natural to hang with her (unless she was going to go do some fag stuff like shopping or getting a manacure). When she's telling you a story smile and chuckle at the right times, even if it's the gayest shit you've ever heard. Girls like a good smile. That is fact.
First dates are always a bitch...ALWAYS. Just remember she's probably shitting her pants as much as you are. She's worrying about it being awkward in any way. Try to do the little things that you would around your friends (unless those "things" include telling cock jokes and other manly things). By doing just the little nuances, and acting in a completely natural state, it's going to put her at ease which in turn will put you at ease as well. It will open up for more interesting conversation, other than the scripted "so what are you majoring in?" type of questions. Just make sure to smile enough. Smiling naturally makes people feel like they know a person well. It makes a person seem very outgoing, amiable, and easy to get along with. She's trying to scope out what kind of person you are, and smiling will show her you're enthusiastic.
K I don't have much else to say. I've given you advice on this shit in the past, just take it for what it's worth. I've had a variety of GFs and I've dated very shy girls and very wild girls, and some in-between.