09-11-2002, 09:19 AM
I remember exactly what I was doing.
I was just getting out of the shower when my girl friend told me a plane hit the world trade center. I was shocked. I remembered back in the 30's and 40's a US army bomber had crashed into the empire state building in fog but I was flabbergasted on how it could happen in this day and age with all the safety devices and radar we had in place.
Then, while looking at live footage on T.V., I saw the second plane hit, I got a sinking feeling in my gut. I instantly thought of all those lives in the plane and in the trade center tower that were extinguished in a second.
It was at that moment I knew we were under attack.
In a semi daze, I decided to go to work. On the way there I heard about the Pentagon. Then about flight 93.
That day change my view on many things, it changed the world in which we now live in.
God bless all who died in this tragedy and all those who will die fighting the terrorist who caused it.