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Default 11-14-2006, 02:36 PM

the interface really is appealing to me.

Yeah gerv I know exactly what you mean with the size. I saw it in the store and to be totally honest, it isn't big at all. It just looks "large" because people measure it up to the ipod nano which is way too small in my opinion. I remember talking to my buds a few years back and said, "Jeez, wouldn't it be something to have the players so small that it's only as thick as the headphone jack? Maybe they'll have to redesign the headphone input jack!" Well, that time has come and gone. It just seems way too small for something that you would like to have in your pocket.

I found it also interesting that it importorts all of your itunes tracks into the zune's player (even the ones you didn't buy) while keeping the ratings and such. I think microsoft lets you download the tracks over again that you had from itunes too if you want to convert (if you should run into problems?)

I'm going to see it tonight sometime in action at my bro's.

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