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Default THE WOOK IS SO KEEN! - 09-11-2002, 09:57 AM

[quote:bedfc]If BS gave us Mods some real power you would find the majority or trouble makers here well and truly gone.

Back on topic. 9/11 is not a time to "celebrate". I cant believe the amount of self centered little shits around here. It's like you think that whole terrible event was a fucking comedy. Show some respect, or better yet, show some balls and go out and publicly voice your opinion about what you think of 9/11 and I'm sure some, if not most people around you will show there appreciation by beating your brainless fucking head in.[/quote:bedfc]

I'm just going to skip over your own "self-centeredness" to open a thread JUST to pop in your own two cents and then close it on off -

I will however address your rightfully misguided interpretation of one AMERICANS opinion.

You're an ass. A literally minded ass. Nothing else to say about it. You, and folks like GREEN do nothing but read what you want when you want so that you have something to RAGE AGAINST (I can imagine GREEN "hulking" up when he reads something that goes against his manufactured-patriotic nature).

I WILL NOT be celebrating or remembering one-year-of-remembering-9/11. Sorry. Wont. This entire year has been nothing more than one long commercialization of something that should be mourned by those who suffered it, and remembered by those who care. In 5 years this day will be a national holiday. In 10 they'll be selling commemerative plates. And all of you are just going to eat it up and say..."BY GOD I LOVE AMERICA!!!". It's fucking ridiculous, and stupid that you let TV and popular opinion dictate how you see things.

Was the terrorist attacks fucked up? Yup. But as MORE THAN ENOUGH people have pointed out, it's not the greatest tragedy in the world, and there are worse things happening now. For Americans this sucks balls (although more died in Vietnam but hey whos counting), but for you other folks - I dunno. Get off it. Stop trying to tell folks what they SHOULD feel about this tragedy, stop taking every CRITICISM on 9/11 seriously, and get the fuck out of your small world.

Mazel My Tov
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