Originally Posted by Eames
Originally Posted by Bleuachdu
I didn't realize everyone at GF1 was a closet racist. Eames is an exception, but I'm surprised at some of your comments.
this a point i was trying to make with this thread. its easy to sit back in your predominatly white neighborhood and go to your predominatly white school and call all of those "ignorant rednecks" down south racist biggots for having a negative outlook on minorities, affirmitive action, forced integration, etc. but you don't have to deal with it everyday, you don't have people forcefully bussed half way across town to go to your school and act like this. this video just sheds light on a problem that for most of us here down south have known our entire lives. i mean did you see the parents encouraging it?? trust me when i say this isn't an isolated incident. i also think its pretty hard to blame this behavior on "white racism" ....which it almost always is, the problem is their culture. their "gangsta rap" culture only encourages behavior like this.
Its a circular effect. The more you isolate and judge them because of their race, the less reasons they have for contributing and commuting to society in a positive way...
This kind of thing goes on all over the world, not just in the U.S...