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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 11-15-2006, 06:13 PM

I'm at the computer lab typing this right now, so I'll just have to guess at what I have.

MOHAA: First game I ever played online. I used to be awesome at it. I'm still good, but I don't play as much.

Spearhead: New weapons were decent; everything else sucked dong.

Soldier of fortune II: Oh how I loved this game back in the day. Blasting a dude's head off and watching the brain matter splatter on the wall = greatness. I believe it was one of the first games to have detailed gore animations on the character models (i.e. exit wounds on the body).

Alien vs. Predator 2: This game was awesome, simply for the fact that you could change visions when playing as the Predator. I loved slicing some ngr's head off and listening to the Predator make his trademark scream.

Alien vs. Predator: Primal Hunt (expansion pack): Added some cool features. Sadly not as many people played this one online as the original.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Sucked dong...HARD. Never even got halfway through the SP. MP was homo as well.

Wolfenstein 3D: A classic game. Nothing beats blowing Hitler's face off at the end.

Star Wars: Jedi Knights Jedi Academy: Was a pretty neat game for its time, but I never played it much. Unless the hack and slash is as fluid as something like God of War, I'm not going to like playing it very much.

Day of Defeat/Counter-Strike/HL2 MP Pack: No need to explain CSS or DoD. DoD is fun but why do the people move so fast and why do you slide all over the place?

America's Army: Used to play this A LOT with one of my former clanmates. We were both awesome at it 2 summers ago during the 2.1-2.6 era.

Rise of Nations: Hate RTS games. Love this game. Makes no sense. It's a great game; play it if you haven't done so already.

RoN expansion pack: Added a few new nations and features; the new campaign modes were leet. Nothing is better than raping Persia with Alexander the Great or calling a nuclear war on the USSR/USA.

Delta Force 2: The first "modern" PC game I played once we bought a "good" computer back in 1999-2000. Before that, I had only played Wolf 3D. Game was awesome since you could snipe people from over a mile away. MP would have been awesome if every server wasn't infested with hackers (literally people flying around the map firing full-auto with unlimited ammo) oOo:

The Sims, The Sims Living Large Expansion: What can I say? I folded in to the huge Sims mania sometime around 2000-2001. Games really weren't that great looking back on it in hindsight.

Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight: I thought it was awesome to just fly around anywhere in the world; graphics were pretty leet for the time period it was released.
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