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Default 11-15-2006, 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
....That he's the type of guy who treats a girl like a gentleman? Just because he said once that he thinks she deserves better that doesn't automatically mean the marriage is definitely going to fail. Wow you guys are weird.

Maybe he just thinks very highly of her. I say that type of shit about my girlfriend all the time, doesn't mean its gospel. I'm usually just trying to convey how much of a good catch I think she is....Shit, it could even be him, maybe he thinks less of himself, but his girlfriend knows hes a great guy....

The point is, you guys jumped to one huge conclusion (lol ZOMG DONT DO IT) over what essentially is just a figure of speech.
If it's a figure of speach, then i see your point but.....if it's not??........

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