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Default 11-15-2006, 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by "Chronic Diarrhea":90cf0

Delta Force 2: The first "modern" PC game I played once we bought a "good" computer back in 1999-2000. Before that, I had only played Wolf 3D. Game was awesome since you could snipe people from over a mile away. MP would have been awesome if every server wasn't infested with hackers (literally people flying around the map firing full-auto with unlimited ammo) oOo:
Wow if you ever played Team King of the Hill on that game sorry man, i was one of the people would be flying in the air with a grenade launcher shooting at the spawn points. i loved every minute of it[/quote:90cf0]

LOL worst ever we played S&D and would literally be yellling YOU FUCKING HACKING PIECE OF SHIT DIE DIE DIEEEEEE

I have
Delta Force 2(loved it)
Delta Force Land Warrior(ight)
Delta Force Task Force Dagger (eh)
Delta Force Black Hawk Down(loved it)
Delta Force BHD Team Sabre (Literally played it once)
Joint Operations Typhoon Rising
Star Wars Jedi Knight II
Tiger woods 2003
Madden 2002
FiFA 2003
NHL: 2004
MVP Baseball 2004
Brunswick Pro Bowling
Nascar Racing 2003 (Bootleg)
Nascar racing 2002
Nascar Racing 4
Hoyle Casino
Call of Duty 2
Battlefield 2
Madden 07
Sim CIty 4 Deluxe Edition (still in package) bought it for $7.50 at Staples

My wife has
Joint Ops
SIms and all the expanisons
Sims 2 and the expansions(mostly bootleg)
Zoo Tycoon

I sold some games

Sold MVP Baseball 2005, Some Nascar Racing SIM from EA, and ROME: TW

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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