Thread: Pointe du Hoc
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Oddball.woof is Offline
Posts: 36
Join Date: Sep 2002
Default Hi - 09-11-2002, 10:46 AM

Sure mate we can compare, I suspect you'll be finished before me though as every step I can is being researched for Historical, i wont say accuracy but how about spirit?
As for names the Official Name for my map is 'Operation Bigot', the historical code name for the assault.

One of the reasons the assault on Omaha nearly failed was the necessity of launching from 12 miles out for fear of the guns on Pointe Du Hoc thus the urgency and dire need for the operation. If the recon had revealed that a) half the guns were not installed yet and the aerial photos misled planners by mistake telegraph poles for the shadows of the guns and the those guns in place prior to Dday were moved to the rear area only the night before. The impact of losing the DD tank might have been avoided, the drain of the long appraoch to Omaha could have been shortened and better off shore support and quicker response might have resulted.

The importance of the PDH assault is often overlooked when compared to the scale of the near disaster of Omaha, an numbers involved in the other assaults, that it proved on the day less vital than was thought has removed much of the focus upon the key event, as key as the airbourne landings at Pegasus and elsewhere were in securing the actual ability of forces to land at all.

names ummmmmmmm off the top of my head.......

Rudder's Run
Rudder's Rangers
Op 155 Allied Assault
Op 155
Six Keys to DDay
Six Keys
Up and Over (Eddie Wearing LOL u youngsters won't know what that means)

....By the Allied Assault Forum Cooperative INC.

Climb to Victory

.......BY the PDH.AAFI

200ft up into Hell .......the actual height of cliff ecapes me at the moment!

Oddball .......Woof! Woof!

"just think them positive waves Baby"

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