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Default 09-11-2002, 10:56 AM

Your an ass too, but thats something that doesnt need to be pointed out because we all know that.

You read what you want when you want aswell, and rage against it also, so does everybody else around here. Whats your fucking stupid point ?

[quote:d5a2a]I WILL NOT be celebrating or remembering one-year-of-remembering-9/11. Sorry. Wont. This entire year has been nothing more than one long commercialization of something that should be mourned by those who suffered it, and remembered by those who care. In 5 years this day will be a national holiday. In 10 they'll be selling commemerative plates.[/quote:d5a2a]

I'm not disputing this because it's the truth, but some of the people here have been nothing but heartless pricks about it and not worrying about other peoples feelings toward this matter, thats what I was pointing out.

And all of you are just going to eat it up and say..."BY GOD I LOVE AMERICA!!!". It's fucking ridiculous, and stupid that you let TV and popular opinion dictate how you see things.[/quote:d5a2a]

Eat it up ?? I got better things to eat up, like a nice meat pie and steak sauce on Australia Day. I will wave my own countries flag and and say "By God I love Australia". It's not "fucking ridiculous, and stupid" to be patriotic, or be emotional about subjects like 9/11, if people want to be that way, FUCKING LET THEM !! There were Australians in that building aswell, it's not just America mourning/remembering.

Who are you to tell people how to act, what to believe and to listen too ?? Fuck you. Everybody has a mind of their own, and they can pick and choose who and what they want to believe in whenever and however they wish.

Letting popular opinion and TV dictate my thoughts ?? Hardly. I call it how I see it, not someone else. Dont jump to conclusions and never assume anything when you know absolutely fuck all about the person your talking about, because, buddy, you know sweet fuck all about me, and thats the way I like it.


Stop trying to tell folks what they SHOULD feel about this tragedy, stop taking every CRITICISM on 9/11 seriously, and get the fuck out of your small world.[/quote:d5a2a]

Yeah, well, take your own advice. What I dont get is why people would criticise the death of 3000 civilians at all. I mean...why ? Mocking the tragedy as some have is disgusting, and shows a total lack of respect for those that died. Why is my world small ?? Because I choose to remember and get pissed off when people make a mockery of that terrible tragedy ?

(For those of you who STILL dont get it, I am not pro-9/11 you silly twits. Nor am I a sucker for weeping mothers on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, PAX, TLC, NICK, and CMT)[/quote:d5a2a]

How could feeling sorry for the mothers who lost their children be classified as being a sucker ?? I feel nothing but sadness for them. They lost a child for fucks sake, how about I blow up your house with your kid in it while your watching and see how you feel ?

Please explain to me how my patriotism is misplaced ??
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